Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Judge Napolitano on Why Opinion Polls Are Irrelevant!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Want to know the truth about slavery? | The Black Sphere

Want to know the truth about slavery? | The Black Sphere

I have been reading this man's blogs, posts and book for well over a year now. He puts to rest the myth that democrats and liberals are to be awarded the lion share of responsibility for all things 'justice' achieved in the name of the black race. Please take time to peruse his blog, watch some of the videos and ask yourself why more people don't know this stuff and about Kevin. Then, I encourage you to send this on to all your friends, co-workers, etc., use facebook, your blog, your email, twitter, myspace, etc.

Let's spread the word about Kevin Jackson and educate yourself on race, racism and slavery in America. The FACTS will astound you. Then ask your black friends to debate you but remove emotion from the topic and base their argument in fact. "The parties flip-flopped" is the most baseless and fraudulent rebuttal they will offer. Kevin exposes this myth and explains why its so bogus. In order to beat the progressive push for America you must dismantle the false foundation on which it is constructed. The progressive belief is that you have to keep the people dumb and must hide the truth.

Eric Holder called the US a "Nation of Cowards" when it "comes to discussions of race in America". But really, who are the cowards? Those who play the race card to stay in power and prey on fear? Or those who let blacks come to their political affiliations through their own choice without continuing to perpetuate mis-truths and falsehoods? For the answer to this question you only need look back to the landscape of America in the months leading up to and after Obama's election. On November 3rd, if Obama lost it was because the white man couldn't pull the lever for a black man. On November 5th, we as a nation had transcended race. Today, this administration and those in power in DC and the media have used race to vilify conservatives despite their accusations being unfounded. Harvard law professor arrested, black panthers case being dismissed, Harry Reid comments swept under democratic rug, Obama/Holder/Napolitano and liberal media use race as a way to highlight the AZ immigration law...and these are only a few examples that come to my head right away. But rest assured, race was, is and will be used by the democrats to stay in power and prey on fear. For if not for them, we would still have slavery right? If not for them, we wouldn't have passed Civil Rights legislation, correct? If not for them, the black high school drop out rate would be much lower than the 34% it is currently, I am sure. The truth shall set you free. Fight back against the propaganda of the left and fight them with knowledge. Then watch their emotions get in the way...I see it every day here in Santa Monica, CA.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Does Obama hate white people?

80% of Tennessee is white, 65% of Nasvhille is white. So does that make this is 'racial' story? Of course not, but let's examine the numbers and ponder why this story hasn't been covered with such veracity as Katrina. Are they on the same scale? Of course not. But the reaction to the devastation by those effected, by the media and by politicians foretell a different character make-up between the two.

500...number of years experts are saying its been since the last flood of this magnitude in Nasvhille. 52...the number of counties out of 96 considered 'disaster areas'. 51...the number in feet at which the Cumberland river crested. 18...the number in inches of rain that fell over a 36-hour period. least the number of times an obituary has been written about someone who died from the flooding in the state. 13...the number of days ago that the rains started. 1...the number of stories thus far that touched me personally of someone I know who's house was destroyed from the flooding but said she was 'thanking God' that her family was safe. AND ironically One is also the number of times President Obama has played golf since flooding began and Tennesseans lost lives in the flooding. Lastly, 0 (yep zero)...the number of times Obama has visited Tennessee (it's a pretty good size state) since the rains began to fall and over $1 billion in damages has occurred.

If this were downtown Detroit, DC, New Orleans, or Philly would the president be so silent? And would there have existed such absent pleas of 'how the government is responsible and must help' the victims of such a tragedy? Notice the people of Nashville, like so many other flooded parts of middle America over the past few years, never cried out for government assistance, haven't made this a 'race' issue, and hasn't demanded that they be taken care of in any way. The good citizens, of all colors and creed, in Tennessee banded together to form one community in being benevolent to help one another. This is what America's people, it's community, it's character. So no, Obama doesn't hate white people just like Bush didn't hate black people or allow a delayed response due to the color of the skin of those the media's camera lenses seemed to only find in the 5th ward. But what gets more media coverage...disaster that strikes predominantly white areas or disaster that strikes predominantly black areas (i.e. New Orleans - Katrina, Haiti - Earthquake)? It's about victimization and media race baiting that propels stories of woe in black communities to the top of the headlines. It's then that the democratic politicians flock to the coverage and begin their dialogue of how to 'help', or who is to 'blame' and why the 'government should be involved' in responding. Yes, 'race' to them helps explain why something happened or someone is to blame.

To all those in Nasvhille, from all walks of life, who have been affected by this horrific natural disaster, my thoughts and prayers are with you. May God's reason for this event play out in your lives, in your communities and in your hearts. God's compassion, for those who question His allowing this to happen, is that the rains stopped, the river receded and the wounds are slowly healing. God doesn't hate black, white, yellow, brown or green skin. This tragedy didn't target one race...its unintentional target was simply a population from every walk of life.

Leadership is chosen by its people. In New Orleans, the preponderance of its people chose to follow its leadership in Washington to help them out of their plight since they are committed to govt assistance. In Tennessee, its people chose to follow each others good will in helping their neighbor and believe that God will lead them through the crisis. Who would you rather follow? God or a politician?

And in closing, it's kind of difficult for Obama to be truly racist against white people in his heart. Because his DNA makes it genetically difficult, for the fact is, he is half-white! Where is Kanye on this tragedy when you need a buffoon to stick his foot in his mouth? Wait, we already have a buffoon who chooses not to speak about the tragedy to the "Volunteer State." Unfortunately, that buffoon happens to be the president of the United States of America, of which, Tennessee was one of its first. Godspeed Tennessee!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Liberal vs Conservative media perceptions it is a list of two way media perceptions. It seems the broadcast liberals have decided when your attributes are assets or drawbacks. So feel free to circulate these........






















































This courtesy of Andrew Wilkow - (

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sebelius warns insurance execs of demise - Washington Times

Just when you thought that the Obama administration favored competition here is your look under the hood of what it will look like. Again, if you oppose Obamacare you are evil and should fail. Insurance companies sat at the table with Obama and initially threw their support behind the bill. But the more the insurance companies have come to understand that either way they see the inevitable. So their choice has become: fight or be thrown to the slaughter. Amazing that there are people out there who believe that this administration believes in the free markets and competition. Ask yourself, if this administration wants to bring costs down for health care don't you think they would immediately: 1) allow for insurance co's to compete across state lines, 2) remove regulation that sets minimum mandates/standards for what an insurance company must offer and instead give the Person the ability to pick and choose a program that caters to them, 3) put an immediate cap on lawsuits and force any frivolous lawsuits to be paid for by the plaintiff, and 4) health savings accounts (what Bush and repubs wanted back in 2004) that go with you from job to job as this will make the consumer more cognizant of their health expenses.

Let's start with what the actual problems are and fix those before we just give the privilege of health care to all those who need it. Again, this country has quickly become an entitlement nation whereby the needs of the recipient outweigh the rights of the provider.

Sebelius warns insurance execs of demise - Washington Times

Friday, March 5, 2010

Obama Media Strategy

You may remember in August of last year the White House having a link to its website where you could report anyone 'spreading lies or misrepresenting' what was in the supposed health care legislation. Here was part of their "inform on your neighbors" scare tactic: "There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to" First of all, this is unconstitutional of the president to propose, but pay that no mind, the liberal media sure didn't.

Well, now comes wind that the White House communications group (at has orchestrated a campaign aimed at flooding the air waves of conservative talk radio with 'plants' who call in acting as conservatives and then let loose on the health care lies. To what other links will this administration go to in order to try and persuade the American public to be accepting of a bill they clearly do not want?

Yesterday, Obama took to the podium to give yet another speech on health care reform pushing his proposal and stating emphatically that democrats and he are ready to go it alone. And who was there as props for this narcissistic president? You guessed it, doctors. Clad nicely in their white doctor coats with their hospital badge on their lapel they stood in attendance while Obama used them as puppets. The arrogance of this man is astounding made ever-more obvious as he stood with his chin in the air...while the doctors applauded...for 23 seconds (23 uninterrupted seconds). Turning his head side to side the entire time, no smile, just a look of frustration that he is having to waste his time (and all that free time that Biden has as VP) giving another speech to try to help 'stupid' American's be educated on his health reform proposal. And this is a man who can relate to you, Main Street America. Sure.

Accuracy in Media wrote a good article back in October that details the administration's media strategy and how it has it's own dedicated public relations website, "Organizing for America." Although this site proclaims to not be endorsed by any campaign or candidate. Funny how Obama staff and the DNC think we American's forgot that this was BHO's donation and propaganda website during his 2008 election campaign. God, how stupid do liberals think we are?

What's next if all this propaganda and slight of hand fails? Obama, with camera crews filming children of crack addicts on the streets of DC, malnourished and unclothed, complaining they have the H1N1 virus but have been turned away at area hospitals since they don't have coverage from the big bad evil insurance companies and their 3% profit margins?

Rest assured that nothing will stop this progressive president from passing ALL of his far-left agenda items, no matter the cost to America, its health care system, its employment, its economy and ultimately, its sovereignty. If you were not worried before now, you may now wish to awaken from your disillusioned 'hope and change' slumber. Did you dream in color or dream in red?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Democrats and Nuclear Option hypocrisy!

Listen, as democrats complain that Republicans were about to 'evaporate' what the founding fathers intended about the checks and balances of our republic (senate rules, filibuster and use of the "nuclear option"). Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein, "Sheriff" Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and Dodd play themselves in this docudrama. Biden says that the "nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of is a fundamental power grab." Oh yeah, Biden is the 'President' of the Senate acting as the tie breaking vote if needed. Harry Reid goes on to say, in condescending fashion that "no, we are not going to follow the senate rules, no...because of the arrogance of power of this republican administration." Doesn't Reid now act as the Senate Majority leader. Dodd continues the hypocrisy parade by saying that no legislation has passed "this institution" that "didn't have a republican and a democrat in the lead." Dodd furthers his remarks by extolling the virtues of the "framers...218 years ago" when he says "they understood there was a tyranny of the majority." But your ire should begin being focused at the 3:50 mark following through to the end. It starts with Biden's directive, and I quote, "I say to my friends on the republican side you may own the field right now, but you won't own it forever. And I pray God that when the democrats take back control that we don't make the kind of power grab that you are doing." Schumer goes on to say that republicans will "change the rules, break the rules, and misread the Constitution...pot meet kettle! And in the prescient words of Max Baucus at the very end, he sums it up best, when our senate uses the nuclear option like this "this is the way democracy ends. Not with a bomb but with a gavel." So it was not good enough for republicans but it is now good enough (irrespective of all the statements in this video they are own record saying) for democrats to pass health care. Then it will be used to pass cap and tax, card check, another stimulus bill, etc. Get ready folks...the nuclear option is about to cause a nuclear disaster that will usher in, to quote Max Baucus' famous last words, "the way democracy ends." Luckily, democrats know that the electorate are 'too stupid' and 'not educated' enough to understand or figure it out for ourselves.

Guess what folks, 20% of the nations economy is about to be taken over, ironically, by progressive democrats using the same tactics they lambasted republicans for using in 2005. They also want to do away with the filibuster, a senate rule put in place by Woodrow Wilson (over 80 years ago) when he couldn't get republicans to approve the League of Nations. Oh yeah, and the democrats filibustered the Civil Rights legislation. Funny isn't it, that democrats have bitten their noses off to spite their face? Regardless of what happens in 2010, if this health care passes along with Cap and Tax, and all the bums are voted out WE STILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEIR ARROGANCE OF POWER!

America we can do better! You better start speaking out against this or our republic is about to take its last breath. Please forward this link on to ALL of your friends and make your fellow Americans know that what they stood in defiance of just 5 years ago, they now stand for. And this is why we must get ALL of our elected politicians out of office as soon as possible.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Politicans just don't get it!

Regardless of the ideological prism with which you see politics through one thing is certain, our current crop of elected officials today just don't understand what America (in most part) is telling them through our knowledge of the past. I will get to what we are telling them at the end of this post but let's first point out what the liberals and conservatives believe they are empowered to do at this moment in time.


Obama in his SOTU speech dedicated about 5 minutes of time to discuss health care reform but about 26 minutes into the speech. Obama said this, "It would reduce
costs and premiums for millions of families and businesses. And…would bring down the deficit by as much as $1 trillion over the next two decades." (bold emphasis is mine). Yet, poll after poll contradicts this demonstrating that Americans are not lemmings believing that giving health care to 30 million more people will reduce costs. To believe this will reduce costs is like believing that you can add 2 more children to your household and reduce your family budget. It's ridiculous.

Also, the way the White House and progressive liberals read the polls is to say that they are being read the wrong way. To liberals, opposition to health care reform demonstrates that America is really saying they WANT health care reform, a la the public option. This on its surface highlights the lunacy of the left. Howard Dean, former DNC chair, is on record (on "Hardball" nonetheless) saying that independents elected Scott Brown because they were sending a message to Washington that they want the public option. Brown specifically ran on the premise that he would be the 41st vote AGAINST government run health care (of course he voted for MA run health care so there is some hypocrisy in his stance - but maybe he sees now that MA is BK because of universal health care). So do Dean and progressive liberals really believe that they voted a man into office to kill health care reform because what they were really saying is that they WANT health care reform but in the form of the public option? This is pure nonsense.

And after Brown got elected, Obama said they had to 'pivot' on health care and focus on jobs (Reid killed a bi-partisan jobs bill just last week - so much for focus) putting health care reform on the back burner. That same afternoon Gibbs and Axelrod stated emphatically that they were not scaling back their health care push but instead are going to proceed with their agenda. Pelosi went as far as to say "We will go through the gate. If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we will parachute in. But we are going to get health care reform passed for the American people for their own personal health and economic security and for the important role that it will play in reducing the deficit." So, again, despite overwhelming (52% oppose - 38% favor in latest RCP avg) opposition to the democrat’s health care reform Pelosi believes that she can just cram it down your throat because trust her, she knows what’s best for you. Aren't politicians elected at the consent of the governed? Meaning, we elect them to do our will, not theirs. So damn the polls. Democrats believe so ardently that you need government-controlled health care that they are willing to assume 1/5th of the nations economy with no bi-partisan support but a simple majority (reconciliation). But I thought Obama was having a bi-partisan summit to discuss health care reform? It now appears they are crafting a bill that doesn’t even need the typical 60 votes to pass the Senate. This is beyond comprehension. So much for Obama’s getting the message of the Massachusetts tsunami.

Politicians work FOR US not against us. The will of the people is being ignored by those in power. Why? Because "Elites" believe that you are too stupid (see Maher, Klein comments) to understand what is good for you. This is highlighted in CNN's advertising in international markets..."First comes understanding, then comes knowledge." Really, I thought you have to first know something to then understand it (as demonstrated throughout this blog post). So what Reid, Pelosi and Obama, along with other progressives, are trying to tell you is that they will shape your understanding of something and then grant you knowledge. They don't believe that Americans have the IQ to fully understand an issue.
Given these are the same progressives who said on November 5th that the American electorate were intelligent enough to vote for ‘change’ and not continue the ‘status quo.’ Who are the fools now?

And what is this administration doing to focus on jobs...nothing! They still believe that the Stimulus has created (or saved) millions of jobs, which by its own merits is ludicrous. So much for transparency since their own calculations and formulas for this theory has been ripped to shreds. Get the duck tape. If you want job creation then get out of the way of the private sector, cut taxes (not give subsidies) on capital investments, capital gains, eliminate payroll taxes and stop trying to mandate who is going to make solar panels or green cars. If you want to see how well Green jobs creation works, look no further than Spain.


Unfortunately for republicans at this moment in time, they believe that the American people are favoring them simply because they are 'conservatives' and saying 'no' to Obama's radical transformation of America. However, most elected republicans right now are considered Republican In Name Only (RINO) but are not of the understanding of what the people of America are telling them (again, through knowledge comes understanding). What republicans need to know is that the Tea Party movement is a movement against the 'understanding' of the republican party. In the famous words of Austin Millbarge "We mock what we don't understand." The goings on at CPAC this week are a perfect example. With the exception of a small handful of speakers (Beck, Rubio & Ron Paul, included) the remaining speakers are your typical RINO who just wish to regain power again. To trot out Armey, Gingrich, Romney and Ashcroft is simply to say, 'We establishment republicans believe we can lead a resurgence to take back congress, the senate and eventually the White House with conservative ideals' but notice that these republicans were the same ones in control to lead us to where we are today. In other words, the majority of these republicans believe that they speak for the American people who are rising up against big government, out-of-control spending, rising taxes, currency devaluation, degradation of values, violation of individual liberties and progressive takeover of our country. What they fail to understand, because they don't first know, is that the revolt is against the current establishment on both sides of the aisle who just crave greed and power. Ninety percent of our currently elected officials believe they know what's best for us. 535 people in DC believe they know better than 300+ million Americans. This is insane.

That is why the Tea Party (a return to Constitutional rights) is made up of democrats, republicans, independents, blacks, whites, Hispanics and other ethnic origins. They are standing in opposition to what has brought us to where we are today. Beginning in the Woodrow Wilson era (probably the most progressive presidency of all time) with the creation of the Federal Reserve, through the New Deal, the Great Society (spending not the racial equality part), creation of Dept of Energy, Education, Homeland Security and now the agenda of cap and tax, stimulus and health care reform, the American people are exhausted with the growth of government. To highlight, all of us believe that our children should have an education but since the creation of the Dept of Education (established under Carter) our students have scored worse. The Dept of Energy (established under Carter) was created to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil yet we are more dependent on foreign oil today than ever before. Bureaucracy doesn't lift America it weakens it. To know how our government has evolved leads to the understanding that things MUST change and rapidly.

In conclusion, America has reached the boiling point and it has NOTHING to do with the fact there is a half white-half black person in the Oval Office. The boiling point was finally reached because our deficit now equals 100% of our GDP ($14 trillion) and was allowed to happen by both political parties. This is unsustainable and extremely dangerous for our continued prosperity. The peaceful revolution taking place is by those people who know that the document that has governed our nation for 223 years (the US Constitution) and written on a mere 6 pages doesn't entitle its citizens to a free (or subsidized) education, home, health care, transportation, money, or food nor does it allow the federal government to overstep its bounds in relation to Article 1, Section 8, the Enumerated Powers clause. But the federal government under every administration has violated this exact section in promoting the 'greater good'. The greater good theory is a communist belief not a democratic one. And why can one document 6 pages long govern a nation for over 220 years but we can't write a health care bill that is less than 2,700 pages or a cap and tax bill that is less than 1500 pages? Because most of your elected politician are attorneys and they want to write a bill that you can't understand because you don't know what's in it.

Therefore, we Americans who understand the law of the land, read the Constitution for what it DOES say, not what it CAN say through interpretation. Once our elected politicians know
that this is what we are telling them they will then understand how to govern prosperously. Next time you go to the polls or call your representative to tell them where you stand, let them know that they are governed by AmeriCAN's not AmeriCANT's.

Friday, January 22, 2010

An Imam vs. Christian Minister

I am not sure if this story (below in bold) is an authentic representation of actual events that occurred or not. But, having said that, regardless the content of the email speaks volumes of what America and the world is potentially up against if true. Some of my liberal progressive friends might suggest that by posting this I am being insensitive or unfairly ethnically profiling Muslims. To this I say, I am sick and tired of being politically correct and seeing our country run from addressing issues of importance. Debate is good. It's your politicians and sensitive friends who are keeping America from tackling this issue and when we do try to tackle it we are immediately attacked with slanderous labels. This is the way of the progressives, to make you feel like you have no heart, no compassion and no respect for your fellow man. As the infamous Progressive president Harry S. Truman said "If you can't convince them, confuse them." And we as a nation are confused about this topic since speaking out makes us bad people, supposedly. But being ignorant or turning a deaf ear to this topic leads to events like Fort Dix or Ft. Hood. Unto which shall we decide upon, intellectual silence due to fear of free speech or complicit murder of our fellow citizens? You decide.

Like Glenn Beck has proposed for all his listeners: Question with Boldness, Hold to the Truth & Speak without Fear.


This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in prison ministry. The man who walks with God always gets to his destination. If you have a pulse you have a purpose.

The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States , especially in the minority races!!!

Last month I attended my annual training session that's required
for maintaining my state prison security clearance. During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained each of their beliefs.

I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say. The Imam gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video.

A fter the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers.

When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Imam and asked: 'Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?'

There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, 'Non-believers!'

I responded, 'So, let me make sure I have this straight. A ll followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven.. Is that correct?'

The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar..'
He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'

I then stated, 'Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope John Paul commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Dr. Stanley ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!'
The Imam was speechless!

I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me!

Let me ask you a question: Would you rather have your A llah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?'

You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame. Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the Diversification training seminar were not happy with my way of dealing with the Islamic Imam, and exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs.

In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the President!

I think everyone in the U.S. should be required to read this, but with A CLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us send it on! This is your chance to make a difference...

Thursday, January 21, 2010 » MSNBC’s Matthews vs. Howard Dean: ‘You’re Whistling Past the Graveyard’ » MSNBC’s Matthews vs. Howard Dean: ‘You’re Whistling Past the Graveyard’

Everyone much watch this video and ask yourself if Howard Dean, a self-avowed Secular Progressive, makes any sense. To summarize the video in case you have not seen it: Howard Dean says that the voters of MA in voting for Brown were really voting for health care reform despite Brown running hard on being the 41st vote against health care reform. So democrats outnumber republicans 3 to 1 with over 50% of the voters being independent and apparently they are so disenfranchised with Barack Obama's health care reform bill making its way through congress now but that they are in favor of a strong public option so therefore they voted for the guy who wants to defeat it? Common sense on Dean's part? Oh yeah, and Brown ran against raising taxes and said he would work to cut taxes for business and individuals, he was against the attacks on the banks, he is strong in his stance on terror and he was standing in the way of what progressives have wanted for 60 health care. Brown sounds exactly like a liberal progressive minus all the things he ran on. To Dean, up is down and right is left. Doofus!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Progressives pervade the current political landscape

Just this past week we have seen the progressive agenda in overdrive. Even today, the day after Scott Brown, a republican who just 3 weeks ago was behind in the polls by double digits in the bluest of blue states in America, won the senate seat held by liberal progressive Ted Kennedy for more than 45 years, liberal progressives aren't yielding. Astonishingly, Brown ran a conservative campaign and did not try to appeal to a centric campaign catering to the 'left' or 'progressives' in his state. He ran a campaign speaking out against federally run health care, against tax increases of any kind and out-of-control government spending. Instead, Brown ran as someone in favor of tax cuts on individuals and businesses to stimulate the economy, strong national defense, reduced government spending and a strong stance on the war on terror. It's both what he ran in opposition to and in favor of that should stop liberals in their tracks and have them gasping for air, taking a break from a very unpopular agenda. But the progressives show no willingness to 'heel' on their push to shout, scream or just plain attack anyone in their sites who don't see the world through the same lens. And to hell with the 'will of the people'. Progressives still believe, despite the VA and PA losses in the gubernatorial races or yesterday's MA senate seat loss. No, they still believe they were given a mandate based on the 'will of the people' on election day, never mind that the 'will of the people' has changed dramatically in opposition of what the electorate thought, nay prayed, that they were getting when Obama was swept into office.

Case in point 1: Keith Olbermann attacks Scott Brown
Keith Olbermann ("KO")stoops into the outhouse poop hole when he goes off the rails on Scott Brown and continues to belittle the 'Tea Party' movement. So KO, who clearly is out of touch with America (remember his prism is a far left secular society where Big Government is best), belligerently attacks a movement now seen as having the most favorable view of ALL political parties. . But Olbermann's viewers wouldn't know this since they are so tiny in comparison to the most watched cable news network, Fox News (links to pew ratings to verify viewership, see Case in point 2). Also, liberals love to rail on Fox News for being all lovey dovey to republicans, well, they must have missed it when Glenn Beck also chided Brown pretty harshly on his radio program today. But, liberals believe that Beck and Fox is in the tank for ALL conservatives and so they are ignorant to that last fact. Don't worry, next time one of your progressive friends tries to attack you, Fox or its contributors for having a 'right-wing bias' pull this card out. See how they respond. Also, for anyone confused about just what the Tea Party is all about please visit their site at

Case in point 2: Dan Pfeiffer picks up right where Anita Dunn left off, attacks Fox News
The Obama administration just cannot seem to corral the American public into buying into their far left agenda. To them responsibility totally lies with Fox News and the Tea Party movement. Pelosi, Schumer and other prominent liberal politicians continuously attack the Tea Party movement. For as much belly-aching as the far left and Obama do, its amazing that in every category (I simply used Jan 15th but links connect to any day you choose; Fox News at least triples the viewership of its closest rival and in almost all cases the Fox show in any specific hour time-slot beats all others in its comparative subset COMBINED! Someone very close to me always asks why Bill O'Reilly always points out that his, along with other Fox News programs, are always beating its competitors by such a wide margin. The point is this, because to listen to the attacks on its News coverage or opinion shows from the White House and/or the other cable news outlets would lead one to believe that Fox garner's such a tiny fraction of the TV viewing audience at any hour of the day, let alone up against a behemoth like Olbermann, Maddow, Matthews or Behar. In a debate I had today I put to rest this fallacy with facts. Liberals hate facts and their bias against Fox News continues, unyielding in their contempt for what PEW concluded was indeed the most 'Fair and Balanced' news network. Liberal blogs attacked Fox News for not adequately covering Haiti, for instance, yet Fox News had the largest audience in any time slot on the day of and days after the earthquake hit Haiti. So why the vicious attacks, as Axelrod, Dunn and now Pfeiffer level on Fox News? Because they are scared that America actually does operate from the center with leanings to the right and anything they don't feel they have control of is unacceptable for them. So to belittle Fox as 'not a respectable news organization' shows how sophomoric and childish the White House and liberal media outlets are, as well it highlights their intellectual dishonesty. Progressives do NOT LIKE debate, nor do they have any compassion for those who disagree with them. Focus on this statement in the coming months and years ahead as progressives try to, in Obama's own words, "Fundamentally change America."

Case in point 3: Pelosi and Durbin indicate health care will pass even if 'nuclear option' is used
The 'nuclear option' in this case is the senate's ability to use 'Reconciliation' which only requires 51 votes to pass any legislation through to the president. Durbin suggested today that this is clearly an option if Brown wins in MA. Pelosi yesterday said "We will have health care reform one way or another", despite terrible poll numbers for health care reform and for congress in general. So despite being elected to serve 'We the people' these progressives are on record with statements that essentially suggest dismissing what the public wants since its politician's who rule and are clearly more intellectually superior than the electorate. This MUST change and must change NOW! Here is the link to her statement: Nancy Pelosi heads up the legislative body responsible for passing laws but when it comes to public outrage over an unpopular bill, your voice means nothing to her. This is summed up by my home state of California. Prop 8 was passed in California last November 52-48%, which eliminated same sex couples' right to marry. Despite the voice of the people being heard at the ballot box, progressives dismiss their opinion and are taking their case to the state Supreme Court. But, Obama wins by a 7% margin and progressives feel that that is a mandate and he should be allowed to do whatever he wants in the name of radicalism. Hypocritical, huh? Just like in the case here of those electorate on the losing end of Prop 8, most of your politicians on capitol hill are also tone deaf right now. And don't kid yourself that things will be any different if republicans regain control in 2010. They wouldn't. Special interests RUN Washington DC, your elected politician is simply the pawn in their game. Obama stated clearly on the campaign trail that lobbyists and special interests would not have a place in the change he promised that would occur in DC. Tell that to the SEIU, UAW, Big Pharma, ABA, Teachers Unions, AFL-CIO, and Center for American Progress just to name a few (a complete list can be found at:

So people, what you see here is that the word liberal is now a bad word, and it has been replaced with Progressive. In fact, Hillary Clinton during the democratic campaign described herself as a progressive. Obama, in front of both chambers and on live TV, referred to his 'progressive friends on the left' and 'my conservative friends on the right'. There is a strong Congressional Progressive Caucus in the House, who espoused the principles of socialism ( It cannot be any clearer, America, at what is taking place right beneath your feet and if you don't wake up soon, the America your founding fathers built and that every soldier has sacrificed their life to protect will be gone in a blink of an eye. It doesn't stop for us, conservative patriots, just because a republican won three very large elections. No, the work actually starts now. We need to seek conservatives whether they be republican, democrat or are running as a Tea Party conservative. Actually, I prefer the tea party conservative since they believe strongly in the fundamentals of the Constitution.

In 2010, I will, like Beck, O'Reilly and Wilkow, point out what progressives are doing to derail this country from prospering as a freedom loving, capitalist, and constitutional republic it was established to be. I beg each and every one of you reading this blog to share it with your friends and please take 10 minutes to read the US Constitution ( It was written by our intellectual elite over 200 years ago. Written by attorneys, doctors, businessmen and patriots alike. Yet, this document that has served us so well for over 2 centuries now but now your elected politicians can't write a health care bill that is less than 2000 pages? So one document which governs an entire country is 6 pages long and contains the Bill of Rights. But your intellectual elite of 2010 cannot write a bill unless it is so jumbled, so confusing and so long that over 95% of those that we elect to represent us and to vote on these bills will not even read them. It's time for a 'change' America. Obama was right, unfortunately, he represents exactly the wrong type of change that America needs. He wants to 'fundamentally change America' when all we need is to wisely return to what our founding fathers designed for all of us. As our Declaration of Independence states in the opening of the 2nd paragraph: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Wake up America and take your country back from the progressives that are abundant in both parties.