Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Democrats and Nuclear Option hypocrisy!

Listen, as democrats complain that Republicans were about to 'evaporate' what the founding fathers intended about the checks and balances of our republic (senate rules, filibuster and use of the "nuclear option"). Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein, "Sheriff" Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and Dodd play themselves in this docudrama. Biden says that the "nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of is a fundamental power grab." Oh yeah, Biden is the 'President' of the Senate acting as the tie breaking vote if needed. Harry Reid goes on to say, in condescending fashion that "no, we are not going to follow the senate rules, no...because of the arrogance of power of this republican administration." Doesn't Reid now act as the Senate Majority leader. Dodd continues the hypocrisy parade by saying that no legislation has passed "this institution" that "didn't have a republican and a democrat in the lead." Dodd furthers his remarks by extolling the virtues of the "framers...218 years ago" when he says "they understood there was a tyranny of the majority." But your ire should begin being focused at the 3:50 mark following through to the end. It starts with Biden's directive, and I quote, "I say to my friends on the republican side you may own the field right now, but you won't own it forever. And I pray God that when the democrats take back control that we don't make the kind of power grab that you are doing." Schumer goes on to say that republicans will "change the rules, break the rules, and misread the Constitution...pot meet kettle! And in the prescient words of Max Baucus at the very end, he sums it up best, when our senate uses the nuclear option like this "this is the way democracy ends. Not with a bomb but with a gavel." So it was not good enough for republicans but it is now good enough (irrespective of all the statements in this video they are own record saying) for democrats to pass health care. Then it will be used to pass cap and tax, card check, another stimulus bill, etc. Get ready folks...the nuclear option is about to cause a nuclear disaster that will usher in, to quote Max Baucus' famous last words, "the way democracy ends." Luckily, democrats know that the electorate are 'too stupid' and 'not educated' enough to understand or figure it out for ourselves.

Guess what folks, 20% of the nations economy is about to be taken over, ironically, by progressive democrats using the same tactics they lambasted republicans for using in 2005. They also want to do away with the filibuster, a senate rule put in place by Woodrow Wilson (over 80 years ago) when he couldn't get republicans to approve the League of Nations. Oh yeah, and the democrats filibustered the Civil Rights legislation. Funny isn't it, that democrats have bitten their noses off to spite their face? Regardless of what happens in 2010, if this health care passes along with Cap and Tax, and all the bums are voted out WE STILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEIR ARROGANCE OF POWER!

America we can do better! You better start speaking out against this or our republic is about to take its last breath. Please forward this link on to ALL of your friends and make your fellow Americans know that what they stood in defiance of just 5 years ago, they now stand for. And this is why we must get ALL of our elected politicians out of office as soon as possible.

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