Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Want to know the truth about slavery? | The Black Sphere

Want to know the truth about slavery? | The Black Sphere

I have been reading this man's blogs, posts and book for well over a year now. He puts to rest the myth that democrats and liberals are to be awarded the lion share of responsibility for all things 'justice' achieved in the name of the black race. Please take time to peruse his blog, watch some of the videos and ask yourself why more people don't know this stuff and about Kevin. Then, I encourage you to send this on to all your friends, co-workers, etc., use facebook, your blog, your email, twitter, myspace, etc.

Let's spread the word about Kevin Jackson and educate yourself on race, racism and slavery in America. The FACTS will astound you. Then ask your black friends to debate you but remove emotion from the topic and base their argument in fact. "The parties flip-flopped" is the most baseless and fraudulent rebuttal they will offer. Kevin exposes this myth and explains why its so bogus. In order to beat the progressive push for America you must dismantle the false foundation on which it is constructed. The progressive belief is that you have to keep the people dumb and must hide the truth.

Eric Holder called the US a "Nation of Cowards" when it "comes to discussions of race in America". But really, who are the cowards? Those who play the race card to stay in power and prey on fear? Or those who let blacks come to their political affiliations through their own choice without continuing to perpetuate mis-truths and falsehoods? For the answer to this question you only need look back to the landscape of America in the months leading up to and after Obama's election. On November 3rd, if Obama lost it was because the white man couldn't pull the lever for a black man. On November 5th, we as a nation had transcended race. Today, this administration and those in power in DC and the media have used race to vilify conservatives despite their accusations being unfounded. Harvard law professor arrested, black panthers case being dismissed, Harry Reid comments swept under democratic rug, Obama/Holder/Napolitano and liberal media use race as a way to highlight the AZ immigration law...and these are only a few examples that come to my head right away. But rest assured, race was, is and will be used by the democrats to stay in power and prey on fear. For if not for them, we would still have slavery right? If not for them, we wouldn't have passed Civil Rights legislation, correct? If not for them, the black high school drop out rate would be much lower than the 34% it is currently, I am sure. The truth shall set you free. Fight back against the propaganda of the left and fight them with knowledge. Then watch their emotions get in the way...I see it every day here in Santa Monica, CA.

God bless you and God bless the United States of America.

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