What a weak debate for the front runners, thank God!
As Romney sparred with Perry. As Perry fumbled but fought back. As Bachmann was baited to go after forced vaccination and defend a misstatement. As Huntsman does whatever he can to make himself relevant, and as Johnson/Santorum/Paul (did I miss anyone) had some good one liners (see shovel ready jobs), the clear winners of this debate were Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich. Why? One, for their substantive and concise answers. But more importantly, two, because they don't attack other candidates but rather the real opponent which is Barack Obama and the big government leviathan.
While Rick and Romney want to tout their records let's be honest, they both grew the size of government in their states. Newt grew the federal coffers by cutting spending...Herman Cain grew two different companies by cutting inefficiencies and promoting growth. Newt cut Clinton's liberal agenda while he headed Congress and Cain cut cancer from his body. The only thing Obama has cut in his almost 3 years is American confidence and our good standing in the world.
Mitt and Perry, the supposed two front runners only because they are GOP puppets, are big government RINO's but both seemingly believe, contrary to their bickering back and forth, that some type of government intervention is needed to solve problems. For Romney it was government (albeit State Govt) control of healthcare and trying to make everyone fit in a one-size-fits-all healthcare program rather than just setting up a system to only take care of those who can't take care of themselves. Perry, meanwhile, thought the cure to stave off the spread of a form of cancer tied to an STD was to vaccinate all 12-13 year old girls with a pulse and his supposed way to give illegal immigrants an opportunity at a better life was to give them preferential treatment to a reduced cost education despite they themselves never going to stand in line to actually become a citizen (last I checked, the first requirement to be a US citizen is 18 years of age and a LEGAL green card holder and been here for 5 years legally). I guess Perry does believe in Amnesty at least when it comes to education. Heck, he doesn't even believe in 'growing' a fence along our border to keep illegals out of our country. He said it's impossible...really? What president wannabe believes that establishing a border fence is impossible when our Constitution clearly grants the Congress to appropriate money to defend our borders?
Cain on the other hand understands that federal government involvement in education and health care leads to corruption, run away costs, worsening conditions and less innovation which therefore means a bankrupt and decrepit system. Cain, after much success at Coca-Cola and Pillsbury, asked to start over again and accepted a position to resurrect 450 under performing Burger King locations working in the kitchens. He is not afraid to truly do the dirty work to understand the inner workings of a firm in order to help learn what will make it succeed.
Gingrich curtailed welfare benefits in order to promote the incentive to work which led to over sixty percent of welfare recipients either getting a job or going to school; he cut federal spending allowing the first 'balanced budget' while saving Medicare from bankruptcy and he helped republicans take control of the House for the first time in 40 years by selling his "Contract for America" to the American electorate.
Do both Cain and Gingrich have their problems? I know Newt does and those are well documented. Cain on the other hand, I have not heard one negative thing about him yet. But, if you can only find a reason to not vote for these men based upon what their negative may be...ask yourself this question. Are you perfect and if not, would you not trust yourself to do a better job at running a country than Barack Obama? Both of these men are more capable than Obama and actually BELIEVE in America...It's people, It's spirit and It's future! Take the time to learn more about Herman Cain. He is an amazingly upbeat, successful and God fearing man who has faced major trials in his life, like a lot of us. Yet, he persevered, remains positive and wants to lead our country back to greatness! Remember, to look at the character of the man, not the color of his skin. Listen to the heart of the man, not his words.
Mitt, Perry, Rick and the others may believe that America is or can be great again...but honestly, they want the presidency for what it can do for them. I truly believe that Newt and Cain want the presidency for what they can and will do for America. Restore her greatness, have it shine again and be the beacon of freedom for the rest of the world as it was under Reagan!
Support Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich and let's end the GOP machine's push to force upon us who they and the conservative/liberal media want to see against Obama. It's time that 'We the People' take back our country and to not have the same control freaks try to force upon us their vision of the direction for our country while continuing to divide us, and further weakening our State. It can be morning in America again...but not if we make the same mistake we did in 2008.
In God we Trust! And God bless America!
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