Friday, March 27, 2009

Ban Black cars?

The CA legislature is proposing issuing a ban on black cars in CA beginning in 2012. Research proved (who didn't already know this) that black cars retain more heat inside the cabin of the car thereby causing more people to 'maybe' have to use the AC more to cool it down. This of course impacts our ozone layer as more energy is needed to cool down the effects of the suns radiant heat being trapped inside a black car. Obviously, anyone who has ever gotten in a car regardless of color after it has sat in the midday sun knows that to get the heat that is trapped in the car out quickly you simply lower the windows and the heat miraculously moves out of the car. If you don't believe me, try it next time you find yourself in a similar situation. Wow, can you believe it actually works?

Even more, its not that the CA loony toons want to just simply ban black cars its only really wanting to ban black cars that are painted with todays paints. Their consensus is that there are paints (not invented yet for autos) which reflect heat more than today's paints. However, their tests of this reflective paint comes from those paints on buildings. Just in case you are not the wizard that those with common sense are, paints for buildings and car are totally different.

What does this mean for the auto industry? Well, they cannot uniformly make black cars with reflective paints (not yet invented and tested) in some states and have a different black paint for all others. So this means that the entire auto industry will have to overhaul the paints it uses and that will of course soon become blanketed to all cars.

And you thought your state had crazy loons running the asylum. Come to California where the sun in the sky is high and the elected officials and environmentalists intellect in theory is much, much higher. God bless everyone and I am sure even the big guy in the sky is getting a chuckle out of this one!

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