Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Social Security and Medicare - Broke much, much sooner

As we continue to push off addressing what will push our country to the brink of collapse, I wanted to bring it to everyone's attention that has, up to this point, failed to see the reality. I have attached a couple of articles that address the dire circumstances we are about to face. But, lets first focus on how we can raise taxes on ALL U.S. CITIZENS by 1) trying to do the work of God and control the climate and 2) give health care to every PERSON living in the U.S. Trust me, the current budget deficits will pale in comparison to what our budget and deficits will be as we teeter on the brink of collapse of Social Security and Medicare. This is a $60 trillion problem and anyone who believes that there is a social security trust fund are fooling themselves. Every year the government borrows from the SS account to cover budget deficits. Its similar to what the CA govt is trying to do with multiple programs now like lottery, mental health education, etc. Waiting to try to save these programs further in the future, rather than addressing now by CUTTING SPENDING, indexing to inflation, and shoring up its solvency will cause deficits to be at least triple what they are now. Triple!!! Good luck Obama on cutting your budget in half. At least you will look under every crook and cranny to tax the hell out of us to find as much money as you can since actually cutting spending seems out of the question. Would love to have a look at he and D.C. leaderships personal account books to see if they run their house the same they do the country.