Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ronald Reagan - 1980 RNC Convention

Please notice the differences between Reagan's speeches and Obama's speeches. This is but a very minor example but poignant nonetheless. Reagan always eludes to America's spirit, its character, its freedoms and what makes it great. Obama eludes to the 'status quo', the poor, our mistakes and that unless we combine ourselves with the world that we will no longer be great. This is a long video but if you for some God forsaken reason are moved and wooed by Obama's apologetic and self righteous speeches, take a minute to listen to a great leader of past America and his words. We could use this man now who doesn't apologize for what makes us great but says its what makes us great that will persevere.

Obama's speeches will be placed on the ash heap of history since he continues to go out of his way to tell us all what he thinks is wrong with us and that if we don't follow what his ideals are for what he thinks will make us great, well then, we are just going to remain mediocre. It's in his words if you listen carefully. Open your ears America...our doom lay just ahead if we continue to be led to the precipice by Obama and his left wing cronies hell bent on America's destruction from within.

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