Friday, March 5, 2010

Obama Media Strategy

You may remember in August of last year the White House having a link to its website where you could report anyone 'spreading lies or misrepresenting' what was in the supposed health care legislation. Here was part of their "inform on your neighbors" scare tactic: "There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to" First of all, this is unconstitutional of the president to propose, but pay that no mind, the liberal media sure didn't.

Well, now comes wind that the White House communications group (at has orchestrated a campaign aimed at flooding the air waves of conservative talk radio with 'plants' who call in acting as conservatives and then let loose on the health care lies. To what other links will this administration go to in order to try and persuade the American public to be accepting of a bill they clearly do not want?

Yesterday, Obama took to the podium to give yet another speech on health care reform pushing his proposal and stating emphatically that democrats and he are ready to go it alone. And who was there as props for this narcissistic president? You guessed it, doctors. Clad nicely in their white doctor coats with their hospital badge on their lapel they stood in attendance while Obama used them as puppets. The arrogance of this man is astounding made ever-more obvious as he stood with his chin in the air...while the doctors applauded...for 23 seconds (23 uninterrupted seconds). Turning his head side to side the entire time, no smile, just a look of frustration that he is having to waste his time (and all that free time that Biden has as VP) giving another speech to try to help 'stupid' American's be educated on his health reform proposal. And this is a man who can relate to you, Main Street America. Sure.

Accuracy in Media wrote a good article back in October that details the administration's media strategy and how it has it's own dedicated public relations website, "Organizing for America." Although this site proclaims to not be endorsed by any campaign or candidate. Funny how Obama staff and the DNC think we American's forgot that this was BHO's donation and propaganda website during his 2008 election campaign. God, how stupid do liberals think we are?

What's next if all this propaganda and slight of hand fails? Obama, with camera crews filming children of crack addicts on the streets of DC, malnourished and unclothed, complaining they have the H1N1 virus but have been turned away at area hospitals since they don't have coverage from the big bad evil insurance companies and their 3% profit margins?

Rest assured that nothing will stop this progressive president from passing ALL of his far-left agenda items, no matter the cost to America, its health care system, its employment, its economy and ultimately, its sovereignty. If you were not worried before now, you may now wish to awaken from your disillusioned 'hope and change' slumber. Did you dream in color or dream in red?

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