Today was monumental for the current administration. Why? Obama decided against a judge's order to appease the ACLU and allow torture photos to be released. Obama in his statement addressed the fact that the release of these photos will cause our troops to be put in further danger. He is correct in this assumption. The ironic part of this, and hopefully it will be a trend in the Obama admin, is that he has again slapped the ACLU in the face. The first time was about the Gitmo detainees and their release without trial. The ACLU wanted these detainees to be released from Gitmo either with a trial like we citizens would get or without trial. I am sure Anthony Romero is irate and bleeding hatred for Obama at this very moment.
Keep in mind, Obama did originally allow the photos to be released but luckily now understands what being a commander in chief is all about. Its about the lives of those who you rule over and for those who fight to allow you to rule. This begins to help him rebuild his reputation that was originally permanently damaged just after taking office when he let the bomber of the USS Cole go free rather than allowing him to stand trial (like a federal judge had ordered, much to the happiness of the ACLU). The ACLU loves anything anti-American and that makes America look bad. See Anthony Romero's opinion letter piece in the WSJ in today's paper. If you don't sense Anti-American then you must be a supporter of the ACLU and its far left causes it chooses to speak out on.
Now, lets give credit where its due to the person who really caused Obama to halt the release of these photos. This persons name sends liberal democrats skin crawling...Dick Cheney! If not for Cheney's constant berating of the issue on the Sunday morning news shows and Fox News, I seriously doubt if Obama would have made the decision he made today. No matter, I would like to think Obama would have come to this conclusion despite the media hoopla. To his credit, he made the right decision. Now lets hope he continues to put the country first and truly leads rather than letting politics tip his hand.