Well, how much trouble has the Bush administration been in by democrats for 'firing' US Attorneys? Karl Rove is slated to go in front of a 'commission' next week to address why Bush's Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez fired these 9 US attorneys. Ironically, AG Eric Holder testified this week that he plans to 'replace a batch' of US attorneys because 'elections matter.' Again, its the 'We Won' mentality that Obama has stated before when passing his stimulus and budget bills. Sounds like a 'if you are not for us you are against us.' Exactly the same sentiment that the all powerful liberal media labeled on Bush. Where is the NYT, MSNBC and WA Times on this? It will be interesting to see the media blitz that will ensnarl Rove but they will ignore their annointed Messiah's AG's statement mentioned in the transcript below.
Here is part of the transcript (and can be found in the article in weblink below):
Pressure from lawmakers and local Democrats to replace the sitting prosecutors has been significant. Holder's comments Thursday came in response to a question from Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) "Many jurisdictions are waiting desperately to see what is going to be done. As we understand it, the protocol has been that U.S. Attorneys would hand in their resignations and would give the new administration an opportunity to make new appointments, we don’t see that happening quite fast enough," she said, pointing to complaints about prosecutors in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama.
However, by using terms like "elections matter," Holder seems to be signaling that Obama plans to install new leadership in most offices.
Funny that Obama is going to simply fire people because "elections matter" which is D.C. speak meaning 'political'. I thought this president wanted to usher in a 'new era of responsibility' and do away with the 'partisanship of the last 8 years.' Yet it appears that he plans to continue that partisanship by firing Bush appointee's and appointing Obama liberal appointee's that will carry out his agenda. Where is the uproar from the left on this? Please, leftist readers, Obama supporters and Bush haters, tell me why this is not a double standard and just more of the same.