Friday, May 22, 2009

The Obama Brand!

A "brand" in today's lingo is defined as a 'recognizable kind of which there is no confusion.' For instance, when you here Coke you instantly think of the cola, when you hear Nike you instantly think of the shoe and when you hear McDonald's you instantly think of the Golden Arch's. So now, when you hear Obama you automatically think of the smooth-talking king of rhetoric with the chin in the air and the arrogant swagger of the president of the United States.

Obama has not shown much interest in working from both sides of the aisle and 'doing away with the partisan politics' in D.C. In fact, he has rebuked Pelosi, Biden and Dodd. He won't stand up for anyone who he needs. Instead, if it is going to impact his 'Brand' he throws them to the dogs. In case you did not know, Obama is working on copywriting his name and the "O" Obama logo that you see on so many bumbers and window shields (at least here in our liberal Los Angeles, CA). This is a man who governs, like Clinton was famous for doing, by polls. And witness what just started happening this week, the White House has now formed its own media machine. Yes, that's right, the White House is now putting out its own propoganda on the White House lawn. The narcissism of this President is unprecedented. Obama is beginning to make Clinton look humble in comparison, which about as impossible as keeping Oprah from swinging from 300 lbs to 150 lbs back to 300 lbs in 18 months. To continue, the press core has been instructed to stand and cheer when Obama enters the room to take the podium. Seriously!

If that isn't an "All hail, the king" I don't know what is. This country will be drastically different 4 years from now and those 'independents' who voted for Obama will be kicking themselves for rushing in this form of leadership. Just wait and see.